Embedding the WebTvPlayer (v1)

Welcome! This documentation will guide you to embedding the WebTvPlayer in your website.


The WebTvPlayer provides the same functionalities you would expect from any other video player.


The WebTvPlayer offers different skins which can be selected with a specific configuration option. If you want to customize one of our skins, please take a look at the overrides section, otherwise you can build your own skin from scratch as explained in the custom skins section.

See how the player looks with the skin

Pick a color theme:

Each color can be customized by providing skin-specific options.

Table of contents

  1. Getting started
  2. Configuration options
  3. Secure playback
  4. Tracking progress
  5. Properties
  6. Methods
  7. Events
  8. Overrides
  9. Custom skins
  10. Samples
  11. Playground

Getting started

First, you'll need a free API Key from the Halleymedia staff, so contact us at dev@halleymedia.com.

After you got your API Key, initializing the WebTvPlayer user interface in your website is super easy. We provide two different initialization options to suit your needs.

Initialization option #1: using the JavaScript SDK

By using our JavaScript SDK, you can inject the WebTvPlayer user interface right into a container element, such as a div located in your HTML page. The container element can be sized to your liking, since the WebTvPlayer has a responsive layout. However, if the element has no defined height, the WebTvPlayer will adjust it as necessary.

Add this initialization code right before the closing of the body tag. The container element can be placed anywhere on your page.

<div id="player-container" style="width: 640px; height: 360px;"></div>
<script src="https://video.cirfood.com/v1/embed/webtvplayer.js?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY"></script>
  var playerContainer = document.getElementById("player-container");
  var videoId = 1;
  var webTvPlayer = new WebTvPlayer(playerContainer, videoId);

Or, if you're using jQuery, you might prefer a more concise syntax.

<div id="player-container" style="width: 640px; height: 360px;"></div>
<script src="https://video.cirfood.com/v1/embed/webtvplayer.js?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY"></script>
var videoId = 1;
var webTvPlayer = $("#player-container").webTvPlayer(videoId);

In both these examples, an object of type WebTvPlayer is returned. Subscribe to the ready event and then you'll be able interact with its public API that's documented in the properties and methods sections. Here's an example.

webTvPlayer.on('ready', function() {
    //Here it's safe to use the WebTvPlayer public API, e.g.:
    this.speed = 1.5;
    this.volume = 0.8;

Initialization option #2: using an iframe tag

This option is expecially needed when executing JavaScript is not allowed for some reason. Just add this iframe element anywhere in the page. Set a proper width and height for the iframe tag.

<iframe src="https://video.cirfood.com/v1/embed/webtvplayer.html?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&videoId=videoId" style="width: 640px; height: 360px; border: 0"></iframe>

What to do next?

The WebTvPlayer provides plenty of customization for both initialization options. Jump to the configuration and samples sections for more in-depth customization examples. For a deeper level of customization, take a look at the overrides section.

If you want to protect your video content from anonymous access, read how to properly initialize the WebTvPlayer in the secure playback section.

Configuration options

When initializing the WebTvPlayer you can provide some configuration options to control its final appearance.

If using the JavaScript SDK, provide a configuration object as an additional argument to the initialization method, like in this sample.

var playerOptions = {
    skin: null,
    segment: 4.0
//Using the global function
var webTvPlayer1 = new WebTvPlayer(playerContainer1, videoIdOrJwt, playerOptions);
//Or, using jQuery
var webTvPlayer2 = $(selector).webTvPlayer(videoIdOrJwt, playerOptions);

Instead, if you're using the iframe, you can pass configuration options as query string parameters.

<iframe src="https://video.cirfood.com/v1/embed/webtvplayer.html?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY&videoId=videoId&skin=skinName&segment=4.0" style="width: 640px; height: 360px; border: 0"></iframe>

All available options are listed in the following paragraph.

Option list

Option name Description Default
skin:StringOrFunction Name or constructor function of the UI skin to use. Set to null for a chromeless player. 'WebTvPlayerDefaultSkin'
skinOptions:Object A skin-specific configuration object (see next paragraph for each skin-specific options). null
segment:Number Duration of a segment of a video, expressed in seconds. Has a minimum value of 0.5.
When a segment has been completely watched, the progress event is raised.
from:Number Display a time-clipped version of the original video starting from this position, expressed in seconds. null
to:Number Display a time-clipped version of the original video ending with this position, expressed in seconds. null
metadata:Array A collection of video-related metadata that must be fetched.
The array can contain any combination of these string values: markers, transcription.
See the properties and events sections to learn how to get these metadata values once they've been fetched.
overrides:Object An object containing your JavaScript overrides to the default behavior and aspect of the WebTvPlayer.
See the overrides section to learn how to start your customization!

Skin-specific configuration options for

Option name Description Default
barColor:String Background color of the control bar. Any color format you would use in CSS is valid. 'black'
accentColor:String A color used for the progress bar and volume. '#5fa9ff'
foregroundColor:String A color used for text and icons. 'white'
backgroundColor:String A color used for the background, which will be revealed in fullscreen, if the display is not the same aspect ratio of the video. 'black'
trayColor:String Background color of the progress bar. 'black'
hoverColor:String A color used as a control background color, when the user hovers it with the mouse cursor. 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'

Secure playback

If you want to protect content that's only available to paying users, then you need to prevent anonymous access. The WebTvPlayer won't play protected videos if you just provide their ID: instead, you should provide a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) like in the following example:

var jwt = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1..."; //JSON Web Token, generated server-side
var webTvPlayer = $("#player-container").webTvPlayer(jwt);

You should generate a JWT with a payload containing the following claims:

Here's an example of a valid payload.

  "iss": "https://example.org",
  "sub": "1",
  "exp": 1516239022,
  "name": "3415"

You should then sign this payload on the server-side of your application using the HS256 algorithm. The secret key used to sign the payload must be shared with the Halleymedia staff. Contact us via e-mail at dev@halleymedia.com.

The WebTvPlayer will then securely load the video by using Pre-Signed Cookies with the provided expiration, thus granting access for a limited time and exclusively from the IP address of the user. This security mechanism severly discourages any attempt of unauthorized access by malicious users.

Tracking progress

Tracking individual segments

If you're using the JavaScript SDK, then you can track a user's progress on the current video. Just subscribe to the progress event to be notified each time the user has watched a short segment of the video.

webTvPlayer.on('progress', function(index, start, end, percentage) {
    console.log("The user has watched the segment with index " + index + " starting at " + start + "s and ending at " + end + "s. He watched " + Math.round(percentage) + "% of the video.");
    //TODO: send an ajax request to your backend in order to save the user progress, or just push an event to Google Tag Manager dataLayer.

Each segment has a default duration of 5 seconds, so the progress event will trigger every 5 seconds. You can change the segment duration by providing a segment property in the configuration options. Here's a comple example.

<div id="player-container" style="width: 640px; height: 360px;"></div>
var videoId = 1;
var playerOptions = {
    segment: 1.0 //Each segment will have a duration of 1 second
var playerContainer = document.getElementById("player-container");
var webTvPlayer = new WebTvPlayer(playerContainer, videoId, playerOptions);
webTvPlayer.on('progress', function(index, start, end) {
    //This will now trigger every second, as long as the video is playing
    console.log("The user has watched the segment with index " + index + " starting at " + start + "s and ending at " + end + "s.");

Tracking percentage

If you're just interested in tracking a percentage value, you could subscribe the percentage event instead which will fire only for interger values.

webTvPlayer.on('percentage', function(percentage) {
    console.log("The user has watched " + percentage + "% of the video."); //percentage being an integer value
    //TODO: send an ajax request to your backend in order to save the user progress, or just push an event to Google Tag Manager dataLayer.

Tracking with Google Tag Manager

If you wish to use a purely unobtrusive tracking solution, you can rely on Google Tag Manager instead of subscribing the progress or percentage events in the page.

Create a new Custom JavaScript Variable and write code which will do the following:

We prepared a ready-made recipe you can import into your Google Tag Manager Container. All pushed events will be relayed to Google Analytics so just be sure to amend the Google Analytics Settings Variable with your Account ID.

Download the recipe Download just the code


When a WebTvPlayer is initialized with the JavaScript API, an object of type WebTvPlayer is returned. Here's a list of its public properties.

Player-related properties

These properties can be used after the ready event has occurred.

Property name Description Accessors
id:String Returns the currently selected video id or JWT. Read only
options:Object Returns the flattened configuration options. Read only
container:HTMLElement Returns a reference to the container element of the current WebTvPlayer. Read only
status:String Returns the current status of the player.
Note: Possible values are: ready, loading, buffering, playing, paused, stopped or error.
Read only
segments:Number Returns the number of total segments in this video.
Each one has a duration of segment seconds, except the last one which might be shorter.
Read only
qualities:Array Returns the available quality levels for this video. Each object has a label, bitrate, width and height properties. Read only
quality:Number Returns or sets the index of the current quality level.
Note: use the index of the array returned by the qualities property. The index 0 is always the 'Auto' quality.
Read, Write
resolution:Object Returns the currently selected video resolution. The object has a width and height property.
Note: you could also use the quality and qualities properties for more details about the currently selected quality level.
Read only
metadata:Object Returns the currently loaded metadata.
Only the metadata set via the metadata configuration option will be fetched.
Read only
speed:Number Returns or sets the current playback speed.
Note: set a value in the range 0.5 (inclusive) to 4.0 (inclusive) with increments of 0.25.
Read, Write
volume:Number Returns or sets the current volume.
Note: set a value in the range from 0.0 (mute) to 1.0 (maximum volume).
Read, Write
mute:Boolean Returns or sets whether the video is muted or not. Read, Write
fullscreen:Boolean Returns or sets whether the video is displayed in fullscreen or not. Read, Write

Video-related properties

These properties can be used after the load event has occurred.

Property name Description Accessors
duration:Number Returns the total duration of the video, expressed in seconds. Read only
position:Number Returns or sets the actual position in the video, expressed in seconds. Read, Write

Constructor properties

These areproperties that are available right away on the WebTvPlayer constructor function.

Property name Description Accessors
instances:Array A list of the currently active instances of WebTvPlayer. Read only
version:String Version of WebTvPlayer. Read only


When a WebTvPlayer is initialized with the JavaScript API, an object of type WebTvPlayer is returned. Here's a list of its public methods.

Player-related methods

These methods can be used after the ready event has occurred.

Method name Description
load(videoIdOrJwt:String[, from:Number[, to:Number]]):void Unloads the currently loaded video (if any) and starts loading a new one with the provided video ID or JWT.
The from and to parameters are optional. You should provide them only if you want to display a time-clipped version of the original video.
on(eventName:String, callback:function):void Subscribes to an event by providing the event name and a callback
See the events section for details.
off(eventName:String[, callback:function]):void Removes a previously subscribed callback to an event by providing the event name and the callback itself.
Note: The callback argument is optional. If it's not provided, all subscribed callbacks are removed for that event name.
update():void Forces the update of the UI. You might need to call this method after the container size is changed.
destroy():void Removes all resources created by the WebTvPlayer, including HTML elements from the container.

Video-related methods

These methods can be used after the load event has occurred.

Method name Description
play():void Plays the currently loaded video.
pause():void Pauses the currently loaded video.
stop():void Stops the currently loaded video, resetting its position to zero.


The WebTvPlayer object can raise a few events. Subscribe them by name, using the on method.

webTvPlayer.on('eventName', function() { /* your code here */ });

Conversely, you can stop being notified by invoking the off method. The callback argument is optional: if it's not provided, all subscribed callbacks are removed for that event.


When a callback is invoked, the this keyword references the current instance of WebTvPlayer.

Instance events

Event name Description Callback arguments
ready The WebTvPlayer intialization has completed and it's ready to load a video. None
loading Loading of a video just started. Methods play(), pause() and other video-related methods and properties are not available during this phase. None
load A video has been loaded, its duration has been determined and it's going to be played. After this event has occurred, it's safe to use the video-related metods and properties. None
error The load or playback of the current video raised an error. String: reason for the error
buffer The buffer has changed. Boolean: whether the buffer is empty or not. If true, the buffer is empty and the player was forced to stop playing the video and wait for more data to be available. If false, the buffer is not empty and the video is playing just fine.

Number: the buffered percentage of the total duration.
play The user has requested the playback of the video either from the start or from an arbitrary position. None
pause The user has paused the video. None
stop The user has stopped the video. None
end The video stopped because it reached the end. None
mute The user has muted or unmuted the video. Boolean: whether the user has muted the video (true) or unmuted it (false).
volume The user has changed the volume. Number: The new volume level, a value between 0.0 (mute) and 1.0 (max volume).
qualities The quality levels for this video have been determined. Array: The collection of quality level. Each object has a label, bitrate, width and height properties.
quality The user has changed the quality level. Number: The index of the selected quality level.
speed The user has changed the playback speed. Number: The selected playback speed.
progress The user has watched a segment of the video. Number: the zero-based index of the segment watched;

Number: the start offset of the segment, expressed in seconds;

Number: the end offset of the segment, expressed in seconds;

Number: the percentage watched so far.
percentage The user has watched a certain percentage of the video. Guaranteed to report exactly once each 1% increment. Number: The watched percentage, always an integer value from 1 to 100.
position Position of the video has been updated. Number: The current position.
fullscreen The user has entered or exited fullscreen mode. Boolean: whether the user has entered fullscreen mode (true) or exited it (false).
metadata A piece of video-related metadata has been fetched. String: name of the metadata. See the metadata configuration option to see which ones are available.

Object: the fetched metadata object.
metadata.name A specific metadata object has been fetched. Replace the placeholder name with one of the names supported by the metadata configuration option. Object: the fetched metadata object.
resize The WebTvPlayer container has changed size. Object: the new size object, containing width and height properties.
destroy The WebTvPlayer instance is going to be destroyed: the video will stop playing and the container element is going to be emptied. None

DOM Events

Event name Description Callback arguments
WebTvPlayer.Create A new instance of WebTvPlayer has been created. Object: the event, containing a detail property which will give you the newly created instance of WebTvPlayer.


When you want to make small changes to the behavior or the appearance of the WebTvPlayer beyond what's allowed by configuration options, you provide overrides. Basically, an override is a javascript function which will replace or add your custom logic to the original function. Suppose you want to change just the play button icon of the default skin: you override the getSkinResource function to do so.

var playerContainer = document.getElementById('player-container');
var videoId = 1;
var playerOptions = {
  overrides: {
    getSkinResource: function(originalFunction, resourceName) {
      switch(resourceName) {
        //We want to replace just the play button, so let's return our own url in this case
        case "play":
          return "https://example.com/images/my-own-play-icon.svg";
        //In all other cases, let's invoke the original function to return its result untouched
          return originalFunction(resourceName);
var webTvPlayer = new WebTvPlayer(playerContainer, videoId, playerOptions);

Of course, if you wanted to perform more important changes, you might as well code your own custom skin.

Main override list


Skin-specific override list for


Custom skins

The WebTvPlayer keeps its logic separated from the UI, so you can provide a completely custom skin, if you want. Creating a custom skin is an advanced task so, before actually embarking on this journey, think if the desired result might be achieved simply by providing overrides or by defining CSS rules.

If you're determined in creating your own skin, then use the code of the WebTvPlayerDefaultSkin as a reference.

At minimum, you'll have to create an object constructor exposing a render function, which the WebTvPlayer will invoke. We suggest using the Object.defineProperty to make it read-only.

function MySkin()
    function render() {
        var playerInstance = this; //The this keyword references the WebTvPlayer instance
        //You can use the WebTvPlayer instance to access its public API
        //Here we get the containing element and change its style...
        playerInstance.container.style.border = "2px solid red";
        //...then we append a play button to it
        var button = document.createElement('button');
        button.setAttribute('type', 'button');
        button.innerText = 'Play';
        button.addEventListener('click', function() { playerInstance.play(); }, false);
    //Let's expose the render function
    Object.defineProperty(this, 'render', {
        get: function() { return render; },
        configurable: false

Inside your skin constructor you can, of course, organize the code as your prefer. In this example, the play button was added inside the render function but you're absolutely free (and encouraged) to create smaller methods to improve code readability.

When you're done, pass a reference to the constructor to the skin property of the configuration object.

var playerContainer = document.getElementById('player-container');
var videoId = 1;
var playerOptions = {
  skin: MySkin //pass a reference to the constructor, not to a constructed object
var webTvPlayer = new WebTvPlayer(playerContainer, videoId, playerOptions);


Here's a brief gallery of code samples.

JavaScript SDK iframe tag Result

